Drupal makes people life harder.

Out of the box Drupal is not very good.
Actually, it is quite over simplistic...

When I see a piece of software, I instantly assume that it will be helpful to some people, but Drupal philosophy is quite the oposite, it deliberately makes people life harder.
When one installs a Drupal site, most people will not get a solution, they'll just get more problems to solve.
Drupal states to be, and I quote, "an open source content management", but after it has been installed, it's totally useless since no one can really manage any content except text. And let's be fair, in the 21st century, supporting only text is extremely limited.
So, in order to support other types of content, one has to install plugins, the same plugins that should already come in the Drupal core system.

Another mistake Drupal makes is it's lack of support for common SEO stuff. In such a competitive world, it's a total fail not to support meta tags out of the box, again, another plugin is required.

Only after a considerable set of plugins has been installed, activated and configured, Drupal starts to be useful.
I consider such philosophy a real mistake because Drupal misses the whole point of software making people life easier. With such a plug-in world, Drupal makes people life harder.
Sometimes it actually states "go and use Joomla!".
